Friday, September 16, 2005

16 Months old & The World

Dear Lucy,
Yesterday marked your 16th month. I realized that, even though I started this journal to write you letters about the world you live in (or something like that), I haven't really done that. Perhaps what's been stopping me is the fact that I want to keep you innocent and somehow, documenting current events diminishes this perfection. But today I decided I should write down a few things for you.
Right now our country is in the process of confirming a new Supreme Court Justice. And he would be the Chief Justice, if confirmed. His name is Jonn Roberts. Dad and I were talking last night -- if he confirmed, he could be in that position until we are retired, because it is a lifetime position. So what John Roberts says, and what opinions he has, is of great interest to us. We want to know what he "stands" for because it is a very powerful position, one that could and will change the course of history.
Also, a few weeks ago, there was a tragedy in the Southern part of the U.S. There was a hurricane and flooding. Many people of died and many more are injured and displaced. Many people may not recover from the devastation. I cannot believe that this is happening here -- it is so sad, I don't have the words. I have tried not to look at images, because my mind creates it's own horrifying pictures. In our own way, we are thinking and hoping that there will be a shift in this country, a shift to protect everyone -- of every race, creed and income status.
And that is all I can say about what is happening, because you are sitting right beside me, eating your lunch. I love you so much. I love the way you ask for bananas. The way you ask me to read to you, the way you take off your glasses before a nap. You look at pictures of family and ask me to name them. You want me to repeat 'nose', 'mouth', 'ear', 'eye' multiple times a day. Even when you are crying -- throwing a fit -- asking for dad -- I'm yours.

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