Thursday, June 22, 2006

Summer vacation

Today was the first, official day of summer for our little family. Dad is on summer break for the next two months! I am so excited, and I know you are just beginning to figure out that we are on a new schedule. This is the first summer break I have spent with dad and I know it's going to great! We have a lot planned for the next two months: trips to the the zoo and OMSI, rides on public transportation (including the trolley!), many walks to the park with swings and slides. As I told dad this afternoon, this time together is better than any vacation we could take.

This morning we visited the Montessori center where you will go to school next Fall. I can't believe you are already old enough for this step. It won't really be preschool until you are three years old, but I know you will love it there. At first, you were a little nervous when we went into the toddler room. But then you saw the bookshelves and the big pillows. You made yourself at home with "Kitten's First Full Moon." It is such a lovely place -- so peaceful and kind. More than we ever hoped for. You went on the slide over and over, gaining confidence with each trip. You met new "friends" today; each child is referred to as a friend. Later in the day, at another playground, you said to some other kids, "bye, friends!" This is a shift -- you've been saying, "bye, kids!" when you leave. You also seemed more confident around other people after our little trip this morning; I don't think it is a coincidence.

You are blossoming before our eyes. Each day brings new words and new expressions. You mimic sounds of animals and trucks. You've even started imitating the voices of different singers. The other day, when Miles Davis was playing, you said, "Be Bop!" You "change" your doll's diaper and cradle your baby Calin in the football hold, saying "shhh, shhh" while bouncing. There are times when I wonder if I can possibly appreciate you enough. Sometimes I am impatient with your whining or repeated, unwanted actions. I think my frustration is normal, but I worry that I will behave in a way you will carry as a burden, or as a fault of your own. My sweet girl, may you continue to grow and develop healthily despite my errors on this path.


1 comment:

Isabel said...

He's home all summer? I am super jealous. You guys are going to have a blast!

(My Dad was also home in the summers and it was great. We would spend the entire time up in the mountains camping!)